Introduction to my Plans of Escape

Travelling has always been one of my great passions, visiting countries, experiencing new culture and meeting new people. I brush on it occasionally in my blog (Here) but never really go into much detail. So I have decided to create this blog, imposing upon the travelling writers of the internet with my most excellent (In teh words of Bill and Ted) tales of adventure and plans of prosperity.

My only hope is that with the help of my readers, possible sponsors and gratefully received donations I will be able to afford to visit countries as far flung as Australia. After each journey I will give full accounts of my travels, the people I met and the places I saw.

Thursday 11 September 2008


I don't know why but I am finding it fairly hard to think of what to write about my travels, my life has been stupidly busy over the past few months so I haven't had much time to update, so heres a quick runddown of the road trip!

Reims - Saw A Notre Dame
La Rochelle - Saw Forte Boyard, a Cognac Distillery, the really hot French girl I stayed with and some awsome waves
Barcelona - Didn't get any chance to swim, Got Mugged, Got Very Drunk, still love the city!!!
Frejus - Met some pretty cool French Canadians, and a scarily intelligent guy who, while pure french and unable to understand english, picked up the card game shithead impressively quickly!
Marseille - Swam in the sea, strangely calm and shallow, met loads of cool people, chileld out for two days!
Munich - I really can't remember felt good about it all after I recovered from an immense hangover though!

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